MUI files under the hood

Have you ever copied after Vista a system file like notepad.exe onto the desktop and tried to execute it? Have you ever tried after Vista to modify the resources of a system file like regedit.exe? It’s most likely that neither of the two was a successful operation.

This will be very brief because the topic is very limited and because of my lack of time: bear with me. 🙂

If you try to copy, for instance, notepad.exe onto the desktop and run it in a debugger you will notice that it fails in its initialization routine when trying to load its accelerators. You take a look at the HINSTANCE passed to LoadAccelerators and notice that it’s NULL. You open notepad.exe in a resource viewer and notice that it doesn’t contain accelerator resources. Thus, you realize that the global instance is associated to some external resource as well. Go back to the system folder where you took the system executable and you’ll notice language directories such as “en-US”. Just copy the one which identifies the language of your system to the same directory of notepad.exe. You’ll notice that now notepad.exe runs correctly.

Vista introduced the separation between binary and language dependent resources to allow a single Windows image to contain more than just one language. You can obtain more information about the development aspects on MSDN.

The language directory contains files with names such as “notepad.exe.mui”, one for every file they provide resources for (including dlls). These are very basic PE files which contain only a resource directory and are loaded into the address space of the process as they are.

These files are associated to the main file in two ways:

1) By name: just rename the notepad to test.exe and the MUI file accordingly and it still works.
2) Via resource, as we’ll see.

If you open both notepad.exe and its MUI file with a resource viewer, you’ll see they both contain a “MUI” resource. What this data contains can be roughly understood from the MSDN or SDK:

// Information about a MUI file, used as input/output in GetFileMUIInfo
// All offsets are relative to start of the structure. Offsets with value 0 mean empty field.

typedef struct _FILEMUIINFO {
    DWORD       dwSize;                 // Size of the structure including buffer size [in]
    DWORD       dwVersion;              // Version of the structure [in]
    DWORD       dwFileType;             // Type of the file [out]
    BYTE        pChecksum[16];          // Checksum of the file [out]
    BYTE        pServiceChecksum[16];   // Checksum of the file [out]
    DWORD       dwLanguageNameOffset;   // Language name of the file [out]
    DWORD       dwTypeIDMainSize;       // Number of TypeIDs in main module [out]
    DWORD       dwTypeIDMainOffset;     // Array of TypeIDs (DWORD) in main module [out]
    DWORD       dwTypeNameMainOffset;   // Multistring array of TypeNames in main module [out]
    DWORD       dwTypeIDMUISize;        // Number of TypeIDs in MUI module [out]
    DWORD       dwTypeIDMUIOffset;      // Array of TypeIDs (DWORD) in MUI module [out]
    DWORD       dwTypeNameMUIOffset;    // Multistring array of TypeNames in MUI module [out]
    BYTE        abBuffer[8];             // Buffer for extra data [in] (Size 4 is for padding)

You’ll find this structure in WinNls.h. However, this structure is for GetFileMUIInfo, it doesn’t match the physical data.

Offset     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7    8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F     Ascii   

00000000  CD FE CD FE C8 00 00 00   00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00     ................
00000010  12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00 EC 6C C4 C4     .............l..
00000020  FF 7C C9 CC F8 03 C7 B3   8C 8A 67 51 11 72 DC 72     .|........gQ.r.r
00000030  80 73 67 9E AB 20 3D FC   AA D4 2F 04 00 00 00 00     .sg...=.../.....
00000040  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
00000050  00 00 00 00 88 00 00 00   0E 00 00 00 98 00 00 00     ................
00000060  20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
00000070  00 00 00 00 B8 00 00 00   0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ................
00000080  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   4D 00 55 00 49 00 00 00     ........M.U.I...
00000090  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00     ................
000000A0  04 00 00 00 05 00 00 00   06 00 00 00 09 00 00 00     ................
000000B0  0E 00 00 00 10 00 00 00   65 00 6E 00 2D 00 55 00     ........e.n.-.U.
000000C0  53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00                               S.......        

The first DWORD is clearly a signature. If you change it, the MUI is invalidated and notepad won’t run. It is followed by another DWORD describing the size of the structure (including the signature).

Offset     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7    8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F     Ascii   

00000010                                        EC 6C C4 C4                 .l..
00000020  FF 7C C9 CC F8 03 C7 B3   8C 8A 67 51 11 72 DC 72     .|........gQ.r.r
00000030  80 73 67 9E AB 20 3D FC   AA D4 2F 04                 .sg...=.../.    

These are the two checksums:

  BYTE  pChecksum[16];
  BYTE  pServiceChecksum[16];

These two checksums are probably in the same order of the structure. They both match the ones contained in the MUI file and if you change the second one, the application won’t run.

There are no other association criteria: I changed both the main file and the MUI file (by using a real DLL and just replacing the resource directory with the one of the MUI file) and it still worked.

About the second matter mentioned in the beginning: modification of resources. If you try to add/replace an icon to/in notepad.exe you will most likely not succeed. This is because as mentioned in the MSDN:

There are some restrictions on resource updates in files that contain Resource Configuration(RC Config) data: LN files and the associated .mui files. Details on which types of resources are allowed to be updated in these files are in the Remarks section for the UpdateResource function.

Basically, UpdateResource doesn’t work if the PE file contains a MUI resource. Now, prepare for an incredibly complicated and technically challenging hack to overcome this limitation… Ready? Rename the “MUI” resource to “CUI” or whatever, now try again and it works. Restore the MUI resource name and all is fine.

The new build of the CFF Explorer handles this automatically for your comfort.

This limitation probably broke most of the resource editors for Win32. Smart.

Preparing a bugfix version of CFF Explorer

It has been many years since the last update of what had started as a hobby side-project when I was 19. I’m sorry that I haven’t updated the CFF for such a long time, given that thousands of people use it every day. A few months ago I stopped working for Hex-Rays to fully dedicate myself to my own company and thus I have decided that I have now the time and the energy (barely) to finally update the CFF.

Over the years I’ve received several bugfix requests, but couldn’t oblige because of the lack of time. If you’re interested that a particular fix goes into the upcoming release, please leave a comment under this blog post or drop me an email to (feel free to repeat the request, as it might have been lost during the years).

Please don’t include radical changes or improvements, we’ll leave that for later maybe. If your company needs professional PE inspection (not editing), I’d advice you to check out my current commercial product at, which doesn’t cover ‘just’ the Portable Executable format.

UPDATE: Uploaded new version with the following improvements:

– Dropped Itanium version
– Added ENCLog and ENCMap .NET tables
– Modify resources of system files (MUI limitation)
– Fixed resource loop bug
– Fixed MDTables string overflow bug
– Fixed command line scripting bug
– Fixed ‘Select All’ bug in hex editor
– Fixed missing offset check in .NET tables
– Fixed missing reloc size check
– Fixed scripting handles bug
– Use FTs when OFTs are invalid
– Updated UPX

You can continue to leave comments or send me emails. As soon as there are enough new bug reports, I’ll upload a new version. In time, maybe, some small improvements could be included apart from bug fixes.

Software Theft FAIL

… Or why stealing software is stupid (and wrong). A small guide to detect software theft for those who are not reverse engineers.

Under my previous post the user Xylitol reported a web-page (hxyp:// by someone called “Martik Panosian” claiming that my driver list utility was his own.

Now, the utility is very small and anybody who can write a bit of code can write a similar one in an hour. Still, stealing is not nice. 🙂

Since I can’t let this ignominious theft go unpunished :P, I’ll try at least to make this post stretch beyond the specific case and show to people who don’t know much about these sort things how they can easily recognize if a software of theirs has been stolen.

In this specific case, the stolen software has been changed in its basic appearance (title, icon, version information). It can easily be explored with a software such as the CFF Explorer. In this case the CFF Explorer also identifies the stolen software as packed with PE Compact. If the CFF Explorer fails to recognize the signature, it’s a good idea to use a more up-to-date identification program like PEiD.

However, packing an application to conceal its code is a very dumb idea. Why? Because packers are not meant to really conceal the code, but to bind themselves to the application. What is usually difficult to recover in a packed application is its entry-point, the IAT and other things. But the great majority of the code is usually recoverable through a simple memory dump.
Just select the running application with an utility such as Task Explorer, right click to display the context menu and click on “Dump PE”.

Now the code can be compared. There are many ways to compare the code of two binaries. One of the easiest is to open it with IDA Pro and to use a binary diffing utility such as PatchDiff2. If the reader is doing this for hobby and can’t afford a commercial license of IDA Pro, then the freeware version will do as well.

Just disassemble both files with IDA Pro and save one of the idbs. Then click on “Edit->Plugins->PatchDiff2” and select the saved idb.

Let’s look at a screenshot of the results:

Click to enlarge

As it is possible to see, not only were the great majority of functions matched, but they also match at the same address, which proves beyond doubt that they are, in fact, the same application.

It’s important to remember that a limited number of matches is normal, because library functions or some basic ones may match among different applications.

A comparison of two applications can even be performed manually with IDA Pro, just by looking at the code, but using a diffing utility is in most cases the easiest solution.

A malware with my name

There’s a malware circulating that contains my name in its version information. I’m, of course, not the author (putting one’s own name in the version info would be brilliant). I’m clarifying, as three people already contacted me about it since yesterday.

It was probably done on purpose and it’s not the result of a random generation of different version info, as I suspect. What the author/s of this malware ignore, is that they made me stumble on an additional technique against malware, that’ll probably damage their business and force them to work more.

Given my very limited amount of spare time, it’s too soon to discuss this.

CFF Explorer 7.9 & Secunia

Today I’ve received a Secunia report email about a buffer overflow vulnerability in the CFF Explorer. I was quite amused =). I mean, I usually get emails sent me by users about bugs in the CFF, never got an email by Secunia before.

However, it’s always good to get bug reports. The bug itself was related to a string overflow in the resource editor. I put string safe functions quite some time ago in the old kernel of the CFF, but apparently I missed one.

So, since I had already the project open to fix this bug, I also added support for .NET unoptimized metadata streams. Which is the most important new feature in this release.