-- © 2008 Daniel Pistelli. All rights reserved. -- PE Validator Script Version: -- Checks: -- -- check CRC32 (useful for drivers) -- check number of rva and sizes -- check image size -- check sections -- check that EP is valid -- check that EP is in code -- check that the EP section is executable -- check data directories RVAs -- check whether the API IsDebuggerPresent is imported -- this function checks if a flag is set function IsFlag(value, flag) if (value & flag) == flag then return true end return false end -- shows an invalid PE Msgbox function InvPEMsg() MsgBox("The current file seems to be an invalid PE. Cannot proceed!", strScriptName, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) end -- adds a string to the report function AddReport(strReportLine) strReport = strReport .. "- " .. strReportLine .. "\r\n" end -- compares two arrays function ArrayCompare(a, b) if #a != #b then return false end local n = 0 for n = 0, #a - 1 do if a[n] != b[n] then return false end end return true end function max(a, b) if a > b then return a end return b end function min(a, b) if a < b then return a end return b end -- this function checks if an import does exist in a PE file function CheckImportPresent(pehandle, ImportOrdinal, ImportName) -- get Import Directory offset if any local itoffset = GetOffset(pehandle, PE_ImportDirectory) -- check if it's a valid PE and has a IT if itoffset == null then -- CloseHandle is really not necessary, -- since the file will be automatically closed return false end -- sets additional definition local ImportDescriptorSize = 20 -- walk through the Import Directory local nCurrentDescr = 0 local FirstThunk = ReadDword(pehandle, itoffset + 16) while FirstThunk != 0 do local CurImpDescrName = (nCurrentDescr * ImportDescriptorSize) + itoffset + 12 local ModNameOffset = RvaToOffset(pehandle, ReadDword(pehandle, CurImpDescrName)) local ModName = ReadString(pehandle, ModNameOffset) local OFTs = ReadDword(pehandle, itoffset + (nCurrentDescr * ImportDescriptorSize)) -- use OFTs or FTs local Thunks = 0 if OFTs != 0 then Thunks = RvaToOffset(pehandle, OFTs) else Thunks = RvaToOffset(pehandle, FirstThunk) end -- list functions local bPE64 = IsPE64(pehandle) local CurThunkOffset = Thunks local CurThunk = 0 if bPE64 == true then CurThunk = ReadQword(pehandle, CurThunkOffset) else CurThunk = ReadDword(pehandle, CurThunkOffset) end while CurThunk != null and CurThunk != 0 do -- check if it's ordinal only local bOrdinal = false if bPE64 == true then bOrdinal = IsFlag(CurThunk, IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG64) else bOrdinal = IsFlag(CurThunk, IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32) end local Ordinal = -1 local FuncName = "" if bOrdinal == true then Ordinal = ReadWord(pehandle, CurThunkOffset) else FuncOffset = RvaToOffset(pehandle, (CurThunk & 0xFFFFFFFF)) Ordinal = ReadWord(pehandle, FuncOffset) FuncName = ReadString(pehandle, FuncOffset + 2) end if bOrdinal != true and ImportName != null and FuncName != null then if ImportName == FuncName then return true end end if bOrdinal == false and ImportOrdinal != 0 then if Ordinal == ImportOrdinal then return true end end -- next thunk if bPE64 == true then CurThunkOffset = CurThunkOffset + 8 CurThunk = ReadQword(pehandle, CurThunkOffset) else CurThunkOffset = CurThunkOffset + 4 CurThunk = ReadDword(pehandle, CurThunkOffset) end end -- next import descriptor nCurrentDescr = nCurrentDescr + 1 local NextImportDescr = (itoffset + (nCurrentDescr * ImportDescriptorSize)) + 16 FirstThunk = ReadDword(pehandle, NextImportDescr) end return false end -- -------------------------------------------------- -- the main code starts here -- -------------------------------------------------- strScriptName = "PE Validator Script - by Daniel Pistelli" local filename = GetOpenFile("Select a PE to check...", "All\n*.*\nExe Files\n*.exe\nDll Files\n*.dll\n") if filename == null then return end local hOriginalPE = OpenFile(filename) if hOriginalPE == null then MsgBox("Couldn't open file.", "Error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) return end local OptHdrOffset = GetOffset(hOriginalPE, PE_OptionalHeader) if OptHdrOffset == null then InvPEMsg() return end local hModPE = OpenFile(filename) strReport = "" local bPE64 = IsPE64(hOriginalPE) local bFix = false local bValidEP = true -- -------------------------------------------------- -- START CHECKS -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK START: check CRC32 (useful for drivers) do UpdateChecksum(hModPE) local CRCOffset = OptHdrOffset + 0x40 local OldCRC = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, CRCOffset) local NewCRC = ReadDword(hModPE, CRCOffset) if OldCRC != NewCRC then AddReport("Bad Checksum value.") bFix = true end end -- CHECK END -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK START: check number of rva and sizes do local RvaAndSizesOff = OptHdrOffset if bPE64 == true then RvaAndSizesOff = RvaAndSizesOff + 0x6C else RvaAndSizesOff = RvaAndSizesOff + 0x5C end nRvaAndSizes = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, RvaAndSizesOff) if nRvaAndSizes == null then InvPEMsg() return end -- Check if the number exceedes the maximum if nRvaAndSizes > 0x10 then AddReport("Number of RVAs And Sizes exceedes maximum.") WriteDword(hModPE, RvaAndSizesOff, 0x10) bFix = true end end -- CHECK END -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK START: check image size do RebuildImageSize(hModPE) local ImgSizeOffset = OptHdrOffset + 0x38 local OldSize = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, ImgSizeOffset) local NewSize = ReadDword(hModPE, ImgSizeOffset) if OldSize != NewSize then AddReport("Wrong SizeOfImage value.") bFix = true end end -- CHECK END -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK START: check sections do RebuildPEHeader(hModPE) local SecrHdrsOffset = GetOffset(hOriginalPE, PE_SectionHeaders) local SizeOfSections = GetNumberOfSections(hOriginalPE) * IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER local OldSectHdrs = ReadBytes(hOriginalPE, SecrHdrsOffset, SizeOfSections) local NewSectHdrs = ReadBytes(hModPE, SecrHdrsOffset, SizeOfSections) if OldSectHdrs == null or NewSectHdrs == null then InvPEMsg() return end if ArrayCompare(OldSectHdrs, NewSectHdrs) == false then -- if the rebuild differs, it's better to check -- whether the rebuilding was necessary local SectAlignment = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, OptHdrOffset + 0x20) local VSizeOffset = SecrHdrsOffset + IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME local bFixNecessary = false local j = GetNumberOfSections(hOriginalPE) while j != 0 do local OldVSize = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, VSizeOffset) local NewVSize = ReadDword(hModPE, VSizeOffset) local OldRawAddr = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, VSizeOffset + 12) local NewRawAddr = ReadDword(hModPE, VSizeOffset + 12) if OldRawAddr != NewRawAddr then bFixNecessary = true break end if (max(OldVSize, NewVSize) - min(OldVSize, NewVSize)) > SectAlignment then bFixNecessary = true break end VSizeOffset = VSizeOffset + IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER j = j - 1 end if bFixNecessary == true then AddReport("Section headers might need a fix.") bFix = true end end end -- CHECK END -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK START: check that EP is valid do local SizeOfCode = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, OptHdrOffset + 4) local EP = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, OptHdrOffset + 0x10) if EP == 0 then bValidEP = false elseif IsRvaValid(hModPE, EP) == false then bValidEP = false AddReport("Entry point seems to be invalid.") end end -- -------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK START: check that EP is in code if bValidEP == true then local SizeOfCode = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, OptHdrOffset + 4) local EP = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, OptHdrOffset + 0x10) if EP != 0 then local SectEP = SectionFromRva(hOriginalPE, EP) local SectCode = SectionFromRva(hOriginalPE, SizeOfCode) local bOutside = false if SizeOfCode < EP then bOutside = true elseif SectEP != null and SectCode != null then if SectEP > SectCode then bOutside = true end end if bOutside == true then AddReport("Entry point is outside the code (SizeOfCode).") local VSizeOffset = GetOffset(hModPE, PE_SectionHeaders) + IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER local VSize = ReadDword(hModPE, VSizeOffset) local VAddr = ReadDword(hModPE, VSizeOffset + 4) WriteDword(hOriginalPE, OptHdrOffset + 4, VAddr + VSize) bFix = true end end end -- CHECK END -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK START: check that the EP section is executable if bValidEP == true then local EP = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, OptHdrOffset + 0x10) if EP != 0 then local SectEP = SectionFromRva(hOriginalPE, EP) local FlagsOffset = GetOffset(hOriginalPE, PE_SectionHeaders) + ((SectEP + 1) * IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER) - 4 local Flags = ReadDword(hOriginalPE, FlagsOffset) if IsFlag(Flags, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) == false then AddReport("Entry point section is not executable.") WriteDword(hModPE, FlagsOffset, Flags | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) bFix = true end end end -- CHECK END -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK START: check data directories RVAs do local RvaAndSizesOff = OptHdrOffset if bPE64 == true then RvaAndSizesOff = RvaAndSizesOff + 0x6C else RvaAndSizesOff = RvaAndSizesOff + 0x5C end nRvaAndSizes = ReadDword(hModPE, RvaAndSizesOff) local DataDirsOffset = GetOffset(hModPE, PE_DataDirectories) local i = 0 for i = 0, nRvaAndSizes - 1 do local RVA = ReadDword(hModPE, DataDirsOffset) if RVA != 0 then if RvaToOffset(hModPE, RVA) == null then AddReport("One or more entries in the Data Directories are invalid.") break end end DataDirsOffset = DataDirsOffset + 8 end end -- CHECK END -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- -- CHECK START: check whether the API IsDebuggerPresent is imported do if CheckImportPresent(hOriginalPE, 0, "IsDebuggerPresent") == true then AddReport("IsDebuggerPresent API is imported.") end end -- CHECK END -- -------------------------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------- -- END CHECKS -- -------------------------------------------------- if strReport == "" then MsgBox("No problems found.", strScriptName, MB_ICONINFORMATION) return end local nMsgStyle = MB_ICONINFORMATION local strMsg = "Problems found for PE \"" .. filename .. "\":\r\n\r\n" .. strReport; if bFix == true then strMsg = strMsg .. "\r\n\r\n" .. "It also seems that some (or all) of the problems ca be fixed. Fix them?" nMsgStyle = nMsgStyle | MB_YESNO end local nRet = MsgBox(strMsg, strScriptName, nMsgStyle) -- fix problems if nRet == IDYES and bFix == true then UpdateChecksum(hModPE) nRet = MsgBox("Overwrite original file?", strScriptName, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) local bSaved = false if nRet == IDYES then bSaved = SaveFile(hModPE) else local saveasname = GetSaveFile("Save As...", "All\n*.*\nExe Files\n*.exe\nDll Files\n*.dll\n") if saveasname != null then bSaved = SaveFileAs(hModPE, saveasname) end end if bSaved == true then MsgBox("File successfully saved!", strScriptName, MB_ICONINFORMATION) else MsgBox("File not saved.", strScriptName, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) end end